Cheating Productivity
Depending on the time of day, what I dreamt, the moon cycle, the colour of the sky ... you get my point... will determine how productive I am able to be. I find to be productive I have to get up before midday, be properly dressed (bra optional) and have something to look forward to listening to. I generally find I can't listen to music. On a sunny day I will put on the radio but music can really trigger me so I generally try to avoid it. However I really like to have noise in the background otherwise my mind goes into overdrive, thinking about anything and everything. I can start washing up in a good mood but if I'm not listening to anything I can end feeling low or angry because I've overthought myself into it. I think I first started listening to podcasts when Zoella recommended "My Dad Wrote a Porno". Now this isn't a podcast review but if you're over 16 (in the U.K. anyway) it's definitely worth a listen. It's light hearted and funny, it's a good length and I love that there's three hosts. They now upload twice a week which is brilliant. My other favourite is Unspoiled! Harry Potter - two hosts, one has read Harry Potter in full the other doesn't know anything about the series. They read it together and review. It's really funny, and the hosts bounce off each other. I really love it. I didn't really know what to do while listening to podcasts at first, I felt a bit odd sat there just listening but I eventually started listening to it while I was pottering around the house. I suppose I've kind of made an unwritten rule that I can only listen to it while I'm tidying or cleaning. What's tidying got to do with mental health I hear you ask? Well, productivity is bloody difficult when you're riddled with anxiety or don't even see the point of existing let alone getting out of bed. Also, I know that personally my environment contributes massively to my mental state. (Side note - if you can't tidy up your room, at least make your bed. The whole room will look much tidier by just doing that one thing) So, I highly recommend subscribing to a podcast to listen to while you're pottering about, walking to the shops, tidying or washing up. There are thousands of podcasts for free on the apple podcasts app, you can also get them on SoundCloud or TuneIn Radio. A couple of my favourites are: ⁃ My Dad Wrote a Porno ⁃ Unspoiled! Harry Potter ⁃ Not Too Deep with Grace Helbig ⁃ Ear Biscuits with Rhett & Link ⁃ Jillian Michael's Podcast I've also stopped and started with Buddhism Guide which I do enjoy but it's a bit too deep while I'm trying to only half listen when I'm cleaning. If you have any recommendations please let me know! I've eventually caught up on them all so am listening again from the start. I really hope you find this as helpful as I have, I am much more productive since I started doing this plus I am guaranteed to laugh which just makes my day a whole lot better. Let me know how you get on! Hugs, Bunnie x